Tuesday, December 31, 2019

How to Deal With a Verbally Abusive Boss - The Muse

How to Deal With a Verbally Abusive Boss - The MuseHow to Deal With a Verbally Abusive Boss While Ive been fortunate to never have had the horrific experience of dealing with a verbally abusive anfhrer, I know not everyone is so lucky. In fact, one of my friends (lets call her Lori) is currently in a decidedly brutal workplace shes struggling to keep from falling apart or going red with rage at her managers blatant mistreatment. Her relationship with the boss was once so good that shed enjoyed dinners at his house. Shed honigwein the wife and kids and thought things couldnt be better. Until one day when her manager started lashing out at her. He wasnt just being mean- he was way over the line. And it turned out, it wasnt an isolated incident.According to Lori, hes taken to calling her an idiot, asking her if shes retarded, and slamming his office door in her face. The job she once loved has turned miserable, and Lori doesnt know what to do, particularly because quitting isnt really a n option at the moment. If this sounds all-too-familiar, then youll want to keep reading. Instead of sitting back and taking the abuse or faking sick days with hopes that itll stop on its own, here are several different approaches for dealing with the situation head on. 1. You Could Talk to Your BossIf your relationship prior to this point was amicable, then initiating a real, face-to-face conversation might not be out of the question. Simply request a meeting (best if you can find him in a non-rage filled moment), and say something like, I understand things arent going as well as wed like with name of project, but Im doing everything I can to work with you on it. If theres anything else I can or should be doing, Im open to knowing that. But I feel discouraged and upset when you call me names- and it needs to stop immediately.Of course, if this isnt an option for you- the very thought of addressing the abuse in person gives you severe anxiety- then youll probably want to skip down t o the third or fourth pieces of advice.2. You Could Send an EmailIf you deem the situation so fraught with tension, skip the in-person conversation in favor of a medium thatll, among other things, serve to document the unpleasant situation.Remember that this email could get to human resources one day, so be respectful yet firm, and include examples whenever possible. Sometimes, seeing insults written out, can make it very clear, very quickly that theyre unacceptable.Hi Boss Name,I know youve got a lot on your plate, and Im here to help in any way that I can, but Im extremely uncomfortable with the way youve been speaking to me. For example, when I did X and you responded with Y. Id appreciate it if you could refrain from calling me names when were working together.Your Name3. You Could Speak to a Team MemberLets say youve tried discussing this with your boss and nothings changed. He called you an idiot for asking a question that was crucial to doing your job. He claims to have said it in jest, but whether or not its true, youre not OK with it. Is there a team member you can confide in? Someone he worked with previously or better still, who worked directly under him at one point? Any tips from someone in the know who could help you navigate this tense situation? This isnt a gossip session and should not be viewed as a team versus the boss situation. This is you trying to gain a foothold on whats going on so youre not resigned to starting a desperate job search. If nothing else, speaking with a colleague may make you temporarily feel better.YOU DESERVE TO WORK FOR A BOSS WHO TREATS YOU WITH RESPECTDont settle for anything else- begin the job search today.We have Tons of openings Here 4. You Could Pay a Visit to HRThis is a biggie, I know. Given the number of human resources departments that arent well-managed, figuring out if yours is one you can trust is tricky. And I dont advise you to take this step if youre truly uncertain. But, if youve gotten a good feelin g about the personnel in this department, and your Sunday Scaries have reached new, heightened levels, you could do worse things than pay them a visit. According to HR expert and Muse columnist, Dorianne St Fleur, this is the only viable option Once your boss has crossed the line from horrible to downright rude and inappropriate, its time to involve your HR department. Your boss is effectively in control of your pay, promotion and overall trajectory at your company, so confronting him/her head on may not be in your best interest (no matter how hard it may be to resist).She explains that going to HR puts the incident- and your subsequent complaint- on record and gives you an opportunity to express your concerns to someone who can actually help. Oh, and if youre anxious about your manager learning of this meeting, St Fleur says dont be. Most companies have an anti-retaliation policy (or something similar) that says in no uncertain terms that treating an employee negatively because the yve raised an issue to HR will not be tolerated and can carry serious consequences.It would suck to have a horrible boss lash out at you, and no matter the basis of your relationship, you shouldnt stand to be verbally abused- even if you make a mistake or miss an important deadline. Dont take it personally is excellent advice, but its not always enough. Remember You have options. And if none of the above seem right to you, then it might be time to start thinking about quitting and looking for a new job. Photo of man frustrated at work courtesy of Westend61/Getty Images.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

One Column vs Two Column Resume

One Column vs Two Column ResumeOne Column vs Two Column ResumeA one column or two column resume resume?Resumes play an important role in the hiring process. As an employee seeking for a job opportunity, the course of your career path will rely on the kind of resume you submit.Some organizations emphasize a specific resume format. However, other organizations or employers accept any resume format whether it is a one-column or a two-column resume format. Therefore, it is important that an interviewee design a resume format that suits the desires of an interviewer. Nevertheless, in the modern world, the two-column resume layout is slowly replacing the traditional one-column resume layout for various advantageous reasons as discussed in this article. Despite this, the two resume layouts are equally important. One-column resume layout The most common and traditional resume layout is the single column resume. This resume format allows an individual to write all the personal information beg inning from biodata, academic qualifications, skills, employment history, and hobbies among others in one column. Single column format is arguably the most detailed resume format as it gives the applicant a room to exhaust all the information needed from a wider perspective. The figure below illustrates an example of a single column resume.Advantages The single column resume is advantageous in the following waysThey are friendly and work well with the Applicant Tracking System.Keeping in mind that ATS ordnungsprinzips are designed to scan standard resumes, they scan from right to left picking important information including contact details and skills. Therefore, developing your resume in a one column layout will ensure that the ATS system scans the relevant information in a clear way.Interviewers will always look for standard resumes.Therefore, traditional one column resumes are easier to skim through and get the valuable information they are looking for. Therefore, it is essential that applicants consider designing single column resumes ensuring that hiring managers get an easier time when skimming through them.One column resume is not subject to distortion when received by the end user.This means that one column resumes are convenient to read both as a word document and a PDF file, unlike the two-column resume format which may only be interpreted as a PDF file.DisadvantagesOne column resume consumes a lot of space.This can lead to paper space wastage. Whenever an applicant is designing a resume, it is advisable to list skills and other reasonable components such as hobbies by the use of bullets. In a single column resume, this will waste a lot of space as only a little space will be covered by content and the rest left blank.The applicant focuses on a detailed description.Notwithstanding brief and easy to understand descriptions, employers always look for specific items in a resume. Therefore, by writing too many words do not allow them to navigate easily. I n this way, employers may end up missing important points in an applicants resume which could be available but difficult to figure out.One column resumes require a lot of time to read throughThis may be laborious. Consider an organization which receives a thousand resumes per day, and all of them have to be reviewed. There is a possibility that the hiring managers of these organizations only skim through resumes in seconds and it is by the encounter of the key skills they are looking for that will determine whether they will come back to your resume later for interviews or not. Therefore, reading through a single column resume becomes tedious.One column resumes are not attractive and appealing to the eye.An attractive and well-designed resume will catch an employers attention hence giving it a chance to be considered.Two-column resume layoutA two-column resume layout which is also referred to as one page two column resume is a brief resume layout which focuses on presenting all the information on a single page. Also known as a double column resume layout, it is suitable for those individuals who are well versed in technology. Such individuals may include graphic designers and Information Technology experts. The figure below is an example of a double column resume.Advantages of a two column resumeTwo column resumes are always less wordy and specific to the point.For instance, when an individual who has been an Information Technology expert for several years in a certain company decides to apply for the same job in another company, it is unnecessary to focus much on the job description. However, the individual will focus much on skills. This will be more presentable in a double column resume format.One page two column resume format is attractive and presentable. An employer will always find a two-column resume format appealing to the eye. This may give an applicants resume some sense of uniqueness hence being put into consideration.It is clear and brief.This ens ures that the applicant focuses on career qualifications and experiences other than unnecessary information that may be tiresome to read. A two-column resume offers an applicant room to format information.You can format your sections with ease and neatly and flexibly arrange the resume in presentable subsections.Disadvantages of a two column resume The one page two column resumes are not compatible with most ATS systemsThey may become irrelevant as the system cannot read them.The two column resumes are subject to distortion.Key TakeawaysThe choice of the resume should depend on both the applicants and employers preferences.Before choosing a resume format, one should consider the outcomes of a one column resume vs. a two-column resume whenever used.However, it is advisable that whenever applying for a job, the default format should be the one column resume format.For graphic designers and IT experts, it is advisable to use a two-column resume format.Individuals should ensure that the y apply resume builders for perfect format results.When coming up with a one column resume format, it is good to use a one column resume builder.Likewise, when coming up with a two column resume builder, it is advisable to use a two-column resume builder. You may use Hirations zugnglich resume builder with both single column resume builders and double column resume builders.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

How the ASVAB Score Is Computed

How the ASVAB Score Is ComputedHow the ASVAB Score Is ComputedThe ArmedServices Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) examis used to determineenlistment eligibilityfor potential recruits, assign recruits to military jobs, and aid students in career exploration. It consists of 10 subtests, and the scores on those subtests are used to determine the best jobs for those entering a branch of the military. Scores from four of the subtests are used to determine an Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) score, which determines eligibility for enlistment. Each branch of the military has different standards.The SubtestsThe 10 subtests are each part of one of four domains math, science/technical, spatial, and verbal.The math domainincludesArithmetic Reasoning (AR) Word problems using arithmetic.Mathematics Knowledge (MK) High school-level math.The science/technical domain includesGeneral Science (GS) Physical and biological sciences.Electronics Information (EI) Electricity and electronics.Auto In formation (AI) Automobile technology one part of the AS* score.Shop Information (SI)* Tools and shop terminology and practices one part of the AS* score.Mechanical Comprehension (MC) Mechanical and physical principles.The verbal domain includesWord Knowledge (WK) Definitions and synonyms in a given context.Paragraph Comprehension (PC) Reading for comprehension.The spatial domain includesAssembling Objects (AO)Seeing how objects will look when assembled. *Note AI and SI are separate tests, but they are combined into one score labeled AS.Two Types of TestsA computerized version of the test (CAT-ASVAB) is available at all testing locations. Some locations also offer a paper and pencil (PP-ASVAB). The tests are similar and designed to result in similar scores for tests takers, regardless of which version they choose. The key difference is that the CAT-ASVAB is adaptive, which means the software chooses questions based on previous responses. On the PP-ASVAB version, AI and SI are combine d into a single AS section.AFQTTheAFQTis a combination of the four scores from the math and verbal domains, which consists of AR, MK, WK, and PC.AFQT scores are reported as percentiles between 1-99. An AFQT percentile score indicates the percentage of examinees in a reference group that scored at or below that particular score. Thus, an AFQT score of 95 indicates that the examinee scored as well as or better than 95% of a nationally representative sample of 18- to 23-year-olds. An AFQT score of 60 indicates that the examinee scored as well as or better than 60% of the nationally representative sample.AFQT scores are divided into separate categories, based on percentile rankAFQT CategoryScore RangeI93-99II65-92IIIA50-64IIIB31-49IVA21-30IVB16-20IVC10-15V1-9The percentile score is based on a raw score calculated using the formula AFQT2VEARMK. The first step is to determine the Verbal Expression (VE) score by adding together the WK and PC scores and using the chart belowWKPCVE Score0-32 04-5216-9228-92210-112512-132714-152916-173118-193220-213422-233624-253826-274028-294230-314432-334534-354736-374938-395040-415242-435444-455646-475848-49605062After determining the VE score, multiply it by two, then add the AR and MK scores. The raw score is then compared to the reference group to determine the percentile rank. ASVAB uses the results of a 1997 study of examinees aged 18-23 as its reference group. Match a raw score to the percentile rank below to determine the overall AFQT scoreStandard ScorePercentile (AFQT)80-1201121-1242125-1273128-1314132-1345135-1376138-1397140-1428143-1449145-14610147-14811149-15012151-1531315414155-15615157-15816159-16017161-16218163-1641916520166-16721168-16922170-1712317224173-1742517526176-1772717828179-180291813018231183-184321853318634187-18835189361903719138192391934019441195-1964219743198441994520046201472024820349204502055120652207-20853209542105521156212572135821459215612166221763218642196522066221672226822369224702257122672227732287 4229752307623177232782337923480235812368223783238-239842408524186242872438824489245902469124792248932499425095251962529725398254-32099Minimum AFQT Scores for EnlistmentThe minimum scores each branch of the military requires depends on whether a potential recruit has a high school diploma or a GED. Those with GEDs need higher AFQT scores.For high school graduates, the requirements areBranchDiplomaGEDAir Force3665Army3150Coast Guard4050Marines3250National Guard3150Navy3550

Monday, December 16, 2019

Training Schedule

Training Schedule Training ScheduleTraining Schedule?/*MAIN CONTAINER*/.article-content .img-caption img margin 0 0 25px 20pxQGP_containeroverflowvisible margin0px autowidth100%media (max-width 575px) QGP_container overflowauto /* LINK STYLES */a.QGP-linklink, a.QGP-linkvisitedfont-size14px color1059ab padding-top10px padding-bottom10px text-decoration underline line-height20pxa.QGP-linkhover text-decoration nonea.QGP-clickherelink, a.QGP-clickherevisitedfont-size11px color0161b2 text-decoration underlinea.QGP-clickherehover font-size11px color0161b2 text-decoration none.QCP_blach13font-weight400 displayblock line-height20pxhr background-color black height 1px border 0 /* from default bootstrap since its not coming through */.list-unstyled list-style outside none none padding-left 0Product Training Weekly Live WebinarsReady to discover efficiencies and ways to achieve a better return on your investment? Then Monsters live training webinars give you the opportunity to d o just that.Our courses were developed by experienced recruiters, experts and product specialists and theyll teach you how toCreate show stopping job deutsche bundespostingsDevelop successful search strategiesBetter manage your candidatesGet the most out of your solutions, and much moraChoose a web-based session with live training specialists to learn mora and sign up.Job Ad Best PracticesStudios Power Resume SearchSearchMonsterJob Ad Best Practices Live Webinar (60 min)Find out how to reach and engage the best candidates, wherever they are. Your job ad has one job Get the right candidate to apply. The first step is following all of Monsters Job Ad Best Practices.Well show you how toIncrease your exposureStand out from your competitionlokalitt yourself as an employer of choiceWrite a job description that is not only informative, but captivatingAttract the right talent and encourage them to applySign Up NowBack to top Studios (30 min)Studios is a mobile app that gives recruiters the power to record, edit, and post videos to your Job Ads right from your phone. Video Job Ads allow candidates to learn about your company, role, and workplace in a more intimate and authentic way.In this training you will learnThe impact video job ads can have on your target candidatesHow to record, edit and post videos to your Job AdsRecording best practices and moreSign up with the link below, and make sure to complete thisScavenger Huntprior to your training.Sign Up NowBack to top Power Resume Search Live Webinar (60 min)Learn how to match qualified candidates to your open jobs with this powerful tool. Well show you how you can search for real life qualities such as skills, experience, education, tenure in positions, willingness to travel and more, all with unprecedented accuracy.Plus, youll see how Monsters proprietary semantic search technology canEliminate the need for long Boolean search stringsUnderstand the meaning of words and search for related terms to yield better resu ltsRecognize a candidates breadth and depth of experienceAutomatically include all related job titles for a position within the searchAssess a candidates recent versus outdated skillsCompare multiple resumes on the same screen, side by sideSign Up NowBack to top SearchLive Webinar (60 min)Searchuses precision search technology to find the exact talent you need. Plus, you can manage and contact candidates via emaille or text message- all from the same interface. No more toggling from one platform to another.This course will show you how toSource the skills you need most and find top talent fastMessage candidates directly with auto messages, emails and textsAccess candidates public social profilesManage candidates and track your campaignsSign Up NowBack to top Training ScheduleTraining Schedule?/*MAIN CONTAINER*/.article-content .img-caption img margin 0 0 25px 20pxQGP_containeroverflowvisible margin0px autowidth100%media (max-width 575px) QGP_container overflowauto /* LINK ST YLES */a.QGP-linklink, a.QGP-linkvisitedfont-size14px color1059ab padding-top10px padding-bottom10px text-decoration underline line-height20pxa.QGP-linkhover text-decoration nonea.QGP-clickherelink, a.QGP-clickherevisitedfont-size11px color0161b2 text-decoration underlinea.QGP-clickherehover font-size11px color0161b2 text-decoration none.QCP_blach13font-weight400 displayblock line-height20pxhr background-color black height 1px border 0 /* from default bootstrap since its not coming through */.list-unstyled list-style outside none none padding-left 0Product Training Weekly Live WebinarsReady to discover efficiencies and ways to achieve a better return on your investment? Then Monsters live training webinars give you the opportunity to do just that.Our courses were developed by experienced recruiters, experts and product specialists and theyll teach you how toCreate show stopping job postingsDevelop successful search strategiesBetter manage your candidatesGet the most out of y our solutions, and much moreChoose a web-based session with live training specialists to learn more and sign up.Job Ad Best PracticesStudios Power Resume SearchSearchMonsterJob Ad Best Practices Live Webinar (60 min)Find out how to reach and engage the best candidates, wherever they are. Your job ad has one job Get the right candidate to apply. The first step is following all of Monsters Job Ad Best Practices.Well show you how toIncrease your exposureStand out from your competitionPosition yourself as an employer of choiceWrite a job description that is not only informative, but captivatingAttract the right talent and encourage them to applySign Up NowBack to top Studios (30 min)Studios is a mobile app that gives recruiters the power to record, edit, and post videos to your Job Ads right from your phone. Video Job Ads allow candidates to learn about your company, role, and workplace in a more intimate and authentic way.In this training you will learnThe impact video job ads can have on your target candidatesHow to record, edit and post videos to your Job AdsRecording best practices and moreSign up with the link below, and make sure to complete thisScavenger Huntprior to your training.Sign Up NowBack to top Power Resume Search Live Webinar (60 min)Learn how to match qualified candidates to your open jobs with this powerful tool. Well show you how you can search for real life qualities such as skills, experience, education, tenure in positions, willingness to travel and more, all with unprecedented accuracy.Plus, youll see how Monsters proprietary semantic search technology canEliminate the need for long Boolean search stringsUnderstand the meaning of words and search for related terms to yield better resultsRecognize a candidates breadth and depth of experienceAutomatically include all related job titles for a position within the searchAssess a candidates recent versus outdated skillsCompare multiple resumes on the same screen, side by sideSign Up NowBack to t op SearchLive Webinar (60 min)Searchuses precision search technology to find the exact talent you need. Plus, you can manage and contact candidates via email or text message- all from the same interface. No more toggling from one platform to another.This course will show you how toSource the skills you need most and find top talent fastMessage candidates directly with auto messages, emails and textsAccess candidates public social profilesManage candidates and track your campaignsSign Up NowBack to top Training ScheduleTraining Schedule?/*MAIN CONTAINER*/.article-content .img-caption img margin 0 0 25px 20pxQGP_containeroverflowvisible margin0px autowidth100%media (max-width 575px) QGP_container overflowauto /* LINK STYLES */a.QGP-linklink, a.QGP-linkvisitedfont-size14px color1059ab padding-top10px padding-bottom10px text-decoration underline line-height20pxa.QGP-linkhover text-decoration nonea.QGP-clickherelink, a.QGP-clickherevisitedfont-size11px color0161b2 text-decoratio n underlinea.QGP-clickherehover font-size11px color0161b2 text-decoration none.QCP_blach13font-weight400 displayblock line-height20pxhr background-color black height 1px border 0 /* from default bootstrap since its not coming through */.list-unstyled list-style outside none none padding-left 0Product Training Weekly Live WebinarsReady to discover efficiencies and ways to achieve a better return on your investment? Then Monsters live training webinars give you the opportunity to do just that.Our courses were developed by experienced recruiters, experts and product specialists and theyll teach you how toCreate show stopping job postingsDevelop successful search strategiesBetter manage your candidatesGet the most out of your solutions, and much moreChoose a web-based session with live training specialists to learn more and sign up.Job Ad Best PracticesStudios Power Resume SearchSearchMonsterJob Ad Best Practices Live Webinar (60 min)Find out how to reach and engage the best can didates, wherever they are. Your job ad has one job Get the right candidate to apply. The first step is following all of Monsters Job Ad Best Practices.Well show you how toIncrease your exposureStand out from your competitionPosition yourself as an employer of choiceWrite a job description that is not only informative, but captivatingAttract the right talent and encourage them to applySign Up NowBack to top Studios (30 min)Studios is a mobile app that gives recruiters the power to record, edit, and post videos to your Job Ads right from your phone. Video Job Ads allow candidates to learn about your company, role, and workplace in a more intimate and authentic way.In this training you will learnThe impact video job ads can have on your target candidatesHow to record, edit and post videos to your Job AdsRecording best practices and moreSign up with the link below, and make sure to complete thisScavenger Huntprior to your training.Sign Up NowBack to top Power Resume Search Live Webinar (60 min)Learn how to match qualified candidates to your open jobs with this powerful tool. Well show you how you can search for real life qualities such as skills, experience, education, tenure in positions, willingness to travel and more, all with unprecedented accuracy.Plus, youll see how Monsters proprietary semantic search technology canEliminate the need for long Boolean search stringsUnderstand the meaning of words and search for related terms to yield better resultsRecognize a candidates breadth and depth of experienceAutomatically include all related job titles for a position within the searchAssess a candidates recent versus outdated skillsCompare multiple resumes on the same screen, side by sideSign Up NowBack to top SearchLive Webinar (60 min)Searchuses precision search technology to find the exact talent you need. Plus, you can manage and contact candidates via email or text message- all from the same interface. No more toggling from one platform to another.This course will show you how toSource the skills you need most and find top talent fastMessage candidates directly with auto messages, emails and textsAccess candidates public social profilesManage candidates and track your campaignsSign Up NowBack to top

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Be the Best Quitter You Can Be!

Be the Best Quitter You Can Be Be the Best Quitter You Can Be Quitting is just a part of business and life. While employees cant predict or control the way that their employer will react to their decision to leave the company, they can control the impression they leave. There is no black and white when it comes to professional courtesies, so this can be rocky ground. Here are a few things to consider when making the move toward the doorShut Your TrapIt can be hard to keep from voicing plans to leave with co-workers. These are the people that we spend the most time with, and forge relationships with, but office gossip can muddy the waters quickly. Water cooler talk gets around fast, and theres no closing Pandoras box once its opened. If and when word gets back to the higher-ups, employees looking to leave could be looking at mora time unemployed than they had anticipated. As a manager, finding out from a different source that an employee is planning on leaving can be insulting, and the next step will be to find a replacement. If that replacement is found before the employee is financially ready to move on, hard times could be ahead.You Still Need ThemWhen employees departure getting interviews lined up and getting their next moves in place, they can get a little (whats the word?) cocky. Showing up late, calling in sick and missing deadlines wasnt okay before, and it isnt okay now. Besides the fact that it is common courtesy to fulfill duties, employees planning to leave must remember that they still need these references. Besides that, they might one day need a position in this very company again. Burning bridges really only hurts the employee.What About the Two Weeks Notice Thing?Again, there is no black and white here. Each situation is different. Ideally, yes employees should give employers enough notice as to not leave them and their team in a bind. However, if by chance one of the reasons for leaving is a spiteful and/or ill-tempered boss, the future ex-e mployee might be setting himself or herself up for failure by giving notice. Employees should read the situation and act accordingly. Any time it is possible to give ample notice, it should be given. The more specialized the position is, the more time is required to find and train a replacement.Go Directly to the BossQuitting in an email or over the phone might be the easier route, but it is the least professional, short of tweeting resignation. Going to the boss directly is a simple sign of respect and confidence. Additionally, when this discussion takes place in person, there is little room for misinterpretation and the chance for feedback. Constructive criticism is good, but it can be a slippery slope. Employees do not have to give reason for their resignation, and sometimes that is the best course of action. This is not an opportunity to stick it to the man this is an opportunity to display interpersonal skills and proper business etiquette.Some people will say that its business , its not personal, but thats not always the case. Going out with a bang might feel good for a moment, but when employees are looking around for personal and professional references, they might start to regret leaving their co-workers and managers in the lurch. As employees make the decision to leave, they should consider that discourtesies will only harm themselves.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Lies Youve Been Told About Do You Put Your Address on a Resume

Lies Youve Been Told About Do You Put Your Address on a Resume Do You Put Your Address on a Resume Features Thus it is just natural that the applicant should also have the capability to send the ideal signals during the interview itself. Its possible to also set your GPA within this section. Although resumes should give all appropriate information related to previous employment, for example, phone numbers of previous employers isnt standard practice when writing resumes. You wish to make it as simple as possible for an employer or hiring manager to get in contact with you. Being a real rideshare driver necessitates understanding and executing lots of accounting concepts. You dont need to mix your present job emails with your work search emails. One of the greatest regions to get resume examples is online, since there are a lot of websites offering templates an individual may download and use. The solution is it is dependent on your LinkedIn profile and resume. A safer opti on would be to locate the exact same posting on a safe site or the corporations direct site. There may even be a relocation bonus waiting on the opposite side. If you work in a creative field, look at developing a personal site with a mobile-responsive plan so that you can share your portfolio from any gadget. If you reside in a lower income area, businesses can reliably assume you will accept a lower salary offer. Many modern resumes incorporate an area for you to include things like an expert title directly beneath your name. If you own a business about the business or have an on-line portfolio, it is a fantastic concept to include links to these, too. If you want to relocate for work, you most likely already know its most effective to leave your present address off your resume. There are many reasons why you might rather not share your address. Many times, a physical address is one particular part of information they may include. Generally, you ought to use your current, permanent address. A typo in your telephone number or email address is more prevalent than you may think. Evidently, your name is likely to go at the peak of your resume. If your name, contact number and mail address are at the peak of your resume for effortless contact, that will suffice. Be certain to include any critical details to your address, including an apartment number. Without detailed contact info, or with incorrect contact info, employers wont have the ability to get in contact with you easily. As long as they are not inconvenienced on account of where you live, your address wont be an issue. When some employers may search for and use your address in a couple of various ways, its sensitive information you need to provide if and when you feel comfortable. Do You Put Your Address on a Resume for Dummies It is a great idea to find someone to check over it. In case you had the ability to successfully manage work and a company on the side, you can multitask. It is g oing to take a tiny bit of extra time, but if youre careful to ensure that the job that youre going to apply for isnt a scam and the organization is legitimate, youll have less to be concerned about. Describe the experience you do have in a manner that shows youre the very best person for the job. Where and how you apply can also produce a difference. If youre going up against older candidates, your principal disadvantage will probably be less experience. For instance, if youre asking for a shipping support, it would make sense for you to learn about the region you are going to be delivering in.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Evening Of Tech Talks Hosted By The Women Leaders Of WeWork

Evening Of Tech Talks Hosted By The Women Leaders Of WeWork WeWork is on a mission to go beyond coworking spaces by building a platform for creators. The company provides hundreds of thousands of members around the world with space, community, and services, enabling members to do what they love so they can create their lifes work.Technology is a huge part of what powers WeWork. Thats why PowerToFly has partnered with WeWork to present an evening of tech talks and networking with the women leaders making this mission possible. Agenda (Subject to Change)600pm - Check-In Networking over food refreshments630pm - Kickoff with PowerToFly635pm - Welcome Address Product Demo by Veena Basavaraj, Senior Manager Engineering and Tiffany Jung, Senior Product Manager700pm - Panel Discussion featuring from WeWorkThushara Paul, Senior Manager EngineeringRamya Amancharla, Director of ProductSri Modukuru, Senior Manager EngineeringJiaona Zhang, Director of ProductMimi Hui, Senior Director, Product7 15pm - Audience QA730pm - Networking continues over food and drinks The foundation of WeWork is community and their global team is able to connect through monthly all-hands meetings featuring coworkers from around the world. WeWorks inclusive employee community groups include Women of We, We of Color and Pride of We. The event will take place on Thursday, August 1st from 6pm to 8pm at 2 Embarcadero Center, 8th Floor, San Francisco. Closer to the event date, PowerToFly will supply a complementary Lyft code to help you get to and from the event. WeWork is hiring (learn mora about them here), but you do not need to be looking for new opportunities to attend the event. If youd like to attend simply to network with your peers, thats great too. About PowerToFly Events All RSVPd attendees are welcome, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, or age. If you require accommodation to fully participate in this event, pleas e email hipowertofly.com, and we will contact you to discuss your specific needs.Unfortunately, PowerToFly and WeWork cannot admit outside recruiters to this particular event. Please email hipowertofly.com if you have any questions about this policy. Aki Merced

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

3 steps to become richer and more successful

3 steps to become richer and mora successful3 steps to become richer and more successfulWealth begins with a choice. A choice requires a commitment, and a commitment leads to actions.The most powerful words in the English language are I am.What follows those words are critical. I am thin. I am healthy. I am wealthy. I am powerful. I bring joy and energy to people around me. I am a great leader to my team facilitating growth and opportunity. I am worthy. I am powerful. I am a great dad.Once you decide I am wealthy, in that moment you are, in fact, not more wealthy, but the path will clear ahead of you. The how you will get there will become apparent, and the obstacles that stopped you will have less power.Use the power of affirmations. Write down the ones that empower you. Put them next to your bed and read them before you fall asleep and when you wake up. Train your brain, and it will take care of you.If you make the decision to be wealthy, then it doesnt matter what career you have. There is a janitor mentioned in our book, Wealth Cant Wait, who gave away 8 million dollars at his death.So the question becomes what are the actions required to build wealth in your particular career?The answer could be live to live below your means, save every penny and invest in index funds, or something that grows over time. But there are three other important commitments you can make.1. Be the best you can be at your careerWork hard to serve others. The habitat of being the best you can at your vocation will serve you for a lifetime. It will also lead to increased compensation, which is useful in building wealth.Even if you dont love it, take pride in it and do your best. If this position is not for you, work hard at it, and the next door will open. Take pride in everything you do, and your next job will find you.2.Begin with the end in mindAsk these questions 1. What is wealth to me? 2. What wealth do Iwant in mylife? Carefully answer those questions and be as specific as you possibly can.For example, one important aspect of wealth is to achieve financial independence.But thatis just the beginning of the inquiry. Go deeper what, specifically, is financial independence to you? What does it look like? How would you know if you had it?For us, the first step to financial independence is having enough income to offset all of your living expenses with passive income.This means that money coming in from your investments - dividends, rents, etc. pay for your current lifestyle.To create more motivation and mindset to achieve your goal, ask yourself why specifically is this important to me? What, specifically, do I get out of this? This is an emotional impact and intrinsic motivational question. You might be surprised to find that often different people have very different reasons or intrinsic motivations to achieve the same goal.Realize that if you are successful in building wealth, eventually your entire job becomes managing your wealth. So begin now by laying out a plan toward your financial freedom.Say your goal is $10 million net worthin 20 years. Break that down to a present number and work toward your goal.3. Find a career that doesnt feel like work to youFind the thing that you love to do play disguised at work. The more you align your career with your natural calling, the more success you will have.Ask yourself is work hard if you love it? Who would truly want to succeed if it required sacrifice (giving up something that is vital to you)?Yes, you might have to limit drinking beer with your buddies to only one or two nights a week if you want to be a great student and get into a great school. Being the best at a job might require you to put in the extra effort and dive into what others shy away from. But, if you love what you do and you are passionate about the project (even if you dont love every aspect of work), then you can achieve greatness. And, if you are doing what you love to do, what are you sacrificing?We know lots of peop le who work so hard that they dont have time for family, friends, or being healthy. But, we know that this is not necessary to achieve great success. Having a thoughtful, purposeful plan and staying on it sixhours a day, with zero interruptions or distractions would lead most of us to accomplish more every day that someone who works more than 10-hour days sixor sevendays a week.If you are in a career that you dont love, know that it takes effort just to get to work. It takes effort, lots of it, just to get started each day. It takes effort to focus.If you do something you love and are passionate about,there is no effort in getting started the effort goes to execution. That is why we are so much more productive and successful when we do what we love. Wealth will follow.David Osborn is Operating Partner at Keller Williams andManaging Partner Align Capital. Follow him on Twitter. Paul Morris is CEO of a RealTrends top 50 brokerage and Regional Director ofKeller Williams.Follow him on T witter. They are the authors ofWealth Cant Wait Avoid the 7 Wealth Traps, Implement the 7 Business Pillars, and Complete a Life Audit Today

Friday, November 22, 2019

5 Things To Consider Before Walking Out On Your Job

5 Things To Consider Before Walking Out On Your Job5 Things To Consider Before Walking Out On Your Job Keeping emotions in check, particularly when you are fed up at your job , can be tough to do. But if you let it get the best of you and quit in anger or in a rage it can come back to bite you.Lots of people at some point have fantasized about taking a page from Steven Slater, the Jet blue flight attendant who quit over the planes public address systems, grabbed two beers and made his exit by deploying the evacuation slide. But following in his footsteps can actually end up torpedoing your career. After all, Slater was arrested for his actions and had to pay Jet Blue restitution.As much as you feel justified (by rage quitting) you create an illusion that you are the fly off the handle kind of person who cant keep emotions in control, says briekse Reynolds, director of online content at FlexJobs. For future employers youll look like somebody you cant be trusted to kee p themselves composed.Not only will rage quitting tatter your reputation but it will also be something that stays with you for years to come. Anytime you are on an interview you are going to have to explain your sudden departure and if you work in a specific industry potential employers may have gotten wind of it already.While it make be hard to control your emotions, especially if you have taken a lot from your current employer, there are ways to temper your reaction and protect your brand. From taking a step back to creating an internal check list, heres a look at five ways to prevent your emotions from causing you to quit.Chances are if you are contemplating quitting out of anger and frustration, its not the first time youve felt that way about your current job situation. One way to prevent yourself from losing it, says Reynolds, is to identity your triggers ahead of time. Lets say its your micro managing boss asking for a status update every ten minutes that gets you in a rage . If you know he or she can be a catalyst for your departure youll figure out ways to deal instead of quitting. Take into account every time you feel tense and frustrated, says Reynolds . If you know that sort of thing is coming you are more likely to be able to control yourself.Feeling fed up can ebb and flow depending on your state of mind, which is why Kathy Harris, managing director of recruiting firm Harris Allied advocates taking all of your available time off to reflect before letting your emotions rue the day. Use that time off to tweak your resume, think about what you want to do with your career and look for a new job. Cooling your heels for a couple of days or a week may be all you need to get your emotions back under control.Quitting may feel good in the moment but if it means you cant make your rent, put food on the table or otherwise pay your bills it will hurt over the long run. Because of that, Ben Peterson, CEO and Co-Founder of BambooHR, says one way to calm yours elf is to think about how quitting will impact your finances. You dont sell a car and then try to figure out what car to buy next, nor should you resign from your employer without having a plan B. If necessary Peterson says to self-impose a rule that you cant make employment decisions without a 72 hours cooling off period.If your boss or co-worker gets you in a rage a way to prevent it from getting ugly is to talk yourself down with a mentor or alley, says Harris. Sometimes all it takes is to have someone to talk to, she says. Be careful that the person you are venting to is trustworthy. After all things can get even worse if your alley repeats everything you said.A tried and tested way to calm an irate toddler or child is to put him or her in a time out. For adults who are thinking of quitting in a fit of anger a time out can work for them too. While it may not be feasible to sit on a naughty chair staring at the wall for ten minutes, Reynolds says taking deep breadths or having a place to go whether its for a walk around the block or in the bathroom can go a long way in calming you down. If you feel like you might be on the verge of rage quitting go to the lobby or walk around the block, says Reynolds. Remove yourself from the situation.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

This adorable puppy cant even save MoviePass from itself

This adorable puppy cant even save MoviePass from itselfThis adorable puppy cant even save MoviePass from itselfMoviePass clientele received an unexpected message belastung week from the subscription services director of barketing.With black, fluffy ears, puppy dog eyes and a MoviePass bandana, Chloe reached out to let users know the company is listening, learning and changing.Id like to explain why from time to time you may have had a ruff experience with us but it turns out that Im a dog and I cant talk, penned Chloe, who apparently can write. What I do know is that I see these humans working like crazy to make MoviePass better and better for you as fast as possible. Though Chloe is certainly meme-worthy, this particular PR stunt lacked luster for users frustrated that, with the companys constantly changing terms, they were getting almost no bang for their buck. The email welches one of many blunders the service has made since its meteoric rise last year.From thousands to millionsM oviePass has been around since 2011, but the service originally used a tiered pricing model that offered unlimited movies for a $50 price tag. For obsessive moviegoers in cities where ticket prices keep soaring, that rate may have been worth it. But only around 20,000 people were willing to pay MoviePass prices for access to their local theater.That changed in August 2017, when MoviePass CEO Mitch Lowe decided to slash subscriptions to $9.95 per month for what amounted to basically unlimited movies.After years of studying and analysis we found that people want to go to the movies more often, but the pricing keeps going up, and that prevents them from going more, Lowe toldVariety at the time. Were making it more affordable for people.It took less than a year for the services subscription base to skyrocket to 3 million, accounting for more than five percent of U.S. box schreibstube receipts. But that gargantuan growth proved unsustainable by May 2018, the company was losing around $22 million per month.False assumptionsMoviePass made several tactical errors when calculating its subscription cost. One was that users would bedrngnis actuallyusetheir service like so many subscriptions, the expectation was that a good number of people would sign up for the deal and then forget it existed. But when residents in states with movie ticket prices hovering in the double digits can pay for unlimited movies for $9.95, it turns out they not only subscribe, but they also go to the theater.The other assumption was that the massive amounts of data MoviePass collected about its subscribers would pay off. Touted as this centurysoil, data collection can tell companies who you are and where you go. And as Lowe pointed out, MoviePass has a lot of data about its users Their addresses, locations, ages, and demographics. But all of that information has yet to be monetized in a way that could save the service from its money-losing model.In addition to those missteps, MoviePass has jumpe d aboard projects destined to fail through MoviePass Ventures, a subsidiary that co-acquires films. The most infamous example is Gotti starring John Travolta, which managed to earn the elusive zero percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes. MoviePass promoted the film to its subscribers, but it still became yet another unwise gamble.Given MoviePass downward financial spiral, it is no wonder that stock in its parent companyHelios Matheson Analytics Inc. is now worth less than two cents per share.Problematic termsWhen MoviePass dropped its prices, the terms seemed too good to be true. And they were.After MoviePass started encountering financial problems, it introduced a number of modifications to its model, including peak pricing and ticket verification. Now, the $9.95 plan covers only three movie tickets a month, with lowered prices for additional tickets.MoviePass has also limited the selection of films subscribers can attend.On its website, users can view a calendar with supported movies. Newer or high-performing films dont usually make it on the list. In mid-November, none of the recent blockbusters - Bohemian Rhapsody, The Grinch, A Star Is Born - was supported.In this context, an email from the director of barketing is not what users want to receive. Theyre looking for information about why their subscription has become relatively worthless compared to when they enrolled, and what MoviePass is doing to make it better.The alternativeAfter MoviePass grew in popularity, AMC Theatres decided to follow suit. The movie theater chain began its own subscription service, which for $19.95 per month allows users to attend up to three films each week.AMC Stubs A-List gives subscribers access to all films and dates, including opening nights, and does not impede people from seeing the same movie twice.But even A-List has its shortcomings the service just announced a price hike in its most popular states. The affected areas will experience either a $2 or $4 increase in price starting in January, though current subscribers wont be affected until 12 months after they signed up.All of this is to say that movie subscription services are a tricky business, and there arefew models that are attractive to customers seem to be sustainable long-term.Though adorable dogs may be able to fix most things, Chloe likely is not the answer to these companies problems. But decades from now, subscribers will be able to tell their grandchildren about how back in their day, a puppy ran the marketing department for a company that let you could go to unlimited movies for $9.95 a month. That legacy makes it all worth it.